Quest ESG Circuit
Sustainable thinking and ecological action, coupled with social justice, are becoming increasingly important to ensure that our Earth remains habitable. Construction projects, in particular, have much catching up to do in this regard. Therefore, we have diligently searched for suitable standards to transport existing real estate properties into the future with sustainably sound concepts.

01 Making sustainable and social criteria assessable

Being part of the construction and real estate industry means we at Quest are aware of the accountability that needs to come

We at Quest are aware of the responsibility that comes with working in the construction and real estate industry, and for us it begins with CO₂ mitigation and extends far beyond the creation of livable and conducive environments. There is a growing recognition that perpetual growth tends to lead to dead ends, particularly concerning ecological and social aspects. What we truly need is a system where the well-being of all individuals takes precedence, integrated within ecological and social frameworks. It is imperative to consider ecological boundaries as we are dangerously close to surpassing them. Climate change, ozone layer depletion, and freshwater scarcity are just a few of the consequences. Therefore, it is more crucial than ever to judiciously utilize the Earth’s finite resources in every project we undertake.

After thorough research, we have chosen a model that aligns best with our vision of a “tool” for the ecological and social assessment of our real estate projects. This model renders our actions measurable and establishes clear guidelines. Our tool is based on a sustainable economic model, the “Doughnut Economy,” which we have further developed into a regenerative strategy for the real estate industry within the context of urban and project development. Our customized application is named the “Quest Circuit.”

Thanks to Quest’s corporate strategy, which primarily focuses on the modernization of historical properties, we are well-positioned in this regard. Many of the criteria within the Quest Circuit align with our core competencies. Naturally, the structure of the Quest Circuit incorporates various individual assessment systems, such as building certifications, EU taxonomy, and CRREM analyses. The contents of these reports and assessments serve as the basis for evaluating the specific impact areas of each project.

02 The Quest Circuit structure

Our Quest Circuit consists of two main areas, which should ideally be in perfect balance in a sustainable and socially just world.

1) The ecological ceiling of the Earth.

2) The social foundation of human well-being.

In the Quest Circuit, these two areas are examined and addressed in detail through 48 “Impact Areas” each.

03 The ecological ceiling:

The ecological ceiling is divided into two categories: climate stability and healthy ecosystems. These two categories are each subdivided into 12 local and 12 global areas. This results in a total of 48 impact areas. Each assessed area has a scale of up to 10 segments, depending on the degree of fulfillment.

04 The social foundation:

The social foundation is comprised of 12 social dimensions, each of which is divided into 4 categories:

Access – food, health, education
Equality – income and work, peace and justice, political participation
Responsibility – social justice, equality of society, housing
Connection – water, energy, society and network

The social impact areas cover the entire life cycle of construction projects: from the extraction of raw materials to the acquisition of a plot of land. From the construction of a building to the operational phase in which daily life takes place. And finally, the end of a building’s service life. The assessment is carried out in three stages: 1: Minimum guarantees – 2: No significant damage – 3: Significant contributions.

05 The Development Report

In the form of a “Development Report” for each individual project, we will address all the themes of the Quest Circuit as well as the overarching sustainability goals. This will vividly demonstrate which impact areas are the main features of each property and which others also find their place in the development concept. Our Development Reports clearly demonstrate that sustainability and social justice always play a central role in our real estate projects.