Kallmorgen Tower Hamburg: Ein radikal moderner Klassiker SPACES eröffnet in der Hochhaus-Ikone modernes Coworking-Center
Hamburg, 16 January 2018. For months now, the people of Hamburg have been witnessing the changes to the striking high-rise building at Willy-Brandt-Str. 23: Kallmorgen Tower, an office building constructed in 1968 for IBM and inspired by a Hollerith punch card, is currently being gutted and completely renovated by the real estate project development company QUEST Investment Partners. The tenant has now been determined: starting in mid-2018, SPACES will offer creative professionals, start-ups, project teams and freelancers modern workplaces, office and conference rooms, along with a range of other services in an inspiring atmosphere. With an area of around 7,500 m², Kallmorgen Tower will be one of the largest co-working centres in Germany and the largest centre operated by Regus in the country. The office sizes range from 15 to 450 m². “We see great potential in Hamburg, not least because the start-up scene is currently growing tremendously. The conference floor is located on the 16th floor and boasts spectacular views of Hamburg and the Elbphilharmonie. These premises can also be rented by third parties on an hourly basis,” says Daniel C. Grimm, Development Director Germany at SPACES operator Regus. Regus, the global market leader for flexible office solutions, operates around 3,300 business centres in 120 countries, 101 of them in Germany.
QUEST Investment Partners erwarb das von dem Hamburger Architekten Werner Kallmorgen entworfene siebzehn-geschossige Gebäude im Jahr 2016. Theja Geyer, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter von QUEST: „Kallmorgen war ein Vordenker. 1968 wirkte sein Bau geradezu futuristisch, heute ist er ein Klassiker. Spannend ist, dass sich die Zukunftsorientiertheit des Gebäudes nun mit der modernsten aller Büronutzungsformen wiederholt: dem Coworking-Center.“ Seit Anfang 2017 ist QUEST dabei, das denkmalgeschützte Haus durch aufwändige bauliche Maßnahmen wieder auf das ursprüngliche, von Kallmorgen konzipierte Fassadenkonzept zurückzuführen. Die Montage der neuen Außenfassade begann im September.
Interessierte Bürger und Architekturliebhaber erhalten auf einer eigens eingerichteten Website spannende Einblicke in den Baufortschritt. Zahlreiche Fotos dokumentieren die Fertigstellung der neuen und alten Hamburger Stilikone: http://www.kallmorgen-tower.de/
Bei der Vermietung waren BNP Paribas Real Estate vermittelnd, die Kanzlei Jebens Mensching beratend tätig.
About QUEST Investment Partners
QUEST Investment Partners is a real estate project development and investment company with offices in Hamburg and Berlin. QUEST focuses on investments in commercial and residential properties with upside potential in top locations in Hamburg and Berlin. In retail developments the focus is on good inner-city locations in German metropolitan regions. The QUEST team has extensive experience in the development of high-quality real estate projects and continuously aims at increasing the real estate values of its shareholders and investors. QUEST’s shareholders are the managing directors Theja Geyer and Jan Rouven Künzel as well as the investment holding company of the Hamburg entrepreneur Erck Rickmers who is invested in real estate, equity investments and shipping.

Image: Kallmorgen Tower: Pressimage Download